Are You Ready to Raise More for Your Small Nonprofit?
Does this sound familiar?
You stepped into the nonprofit world driven by a vision and a heart full of passion.
But soon, the reality dawned on you: fundraising isn't just a part of the job—it's a significant part.
In the whirlwind of wearing multiple "hats," the challenge of securing funds can feel like an uphill battle.
But here's the silver lining: your resourcefulness and determination are your greatest assets.
And now, you're on the brink of unlocking the secret to fundraising success.
The Power of Individual Contributions
Your Untapped Goldmine
Why Start Here?
Individual donor campaigns are not just about the volume; they're about flexibility and impact.
These contributions often come without the restrictive conditions of grants, allowing you to channel funds where they're needed most.
Cultivating individual donors boosts your visibility and builds a community of supporters who are as invested in your mission as you are.
If you’re not tapping into this, you’re missing out on a huge funding opportunity for your organization. But you're in the right place; I can help you get started.
Ready to raise more with the 3M Framework?
Tap into sustainable impact with this on-demand course, designed to empower nonprofit leaders to secure their crucial first $2,000 from individual donors in just 4 weeks.
Lesson 1: Cultivating an Impact-Centered Fundraising Mindset
Crafting Compelling Messaging
Creating Engaging Content
Lesson 1: Brainstorm People to Join Your Fundraising Team
Prepare to Launch
Execute a Successful Campaign
Closing the Campaign
Next Steps
Preparing to receive and process donations
About this course
- $297.00
- 9 lessons
- 10 on-demand videos
- Workbook, templates, and examples
- Downloadable e-book
Meet Your Instructor
Sheena Sullivan
What sets this program apart?
Many fundraising consultants and coaches come from backgrounds where they were part of well-resourced organizations capable of affording dedicated fundraising staff.
If this course has caught your eye, it's likely because you're at a stage where hiring a specialized fundraiser isn't feasible.
I've been in your shoes—starting my first nonprofit without the means to hire a fundraising expert and taking on a director role at a small nonprofit where I wore all the hats.
This course is crafted from those experiences, tailored for someone who, like me, has had to manage every facet of their organization.
It's designed with the understanding and empathy of someone who's been in the thick of it, aiming to provide practical, accessible solutions for those who are doing it all.
Your Transformation
This isn't just a course; it's a transformational journey that empowers you to harness the power of individual donations, ensuring your nonprofit doesn't just survive but thrives.
Confidence in Fundraising: Say goodbye to the uncertainty and embrace a proven strategy that delivers results.
Sustainable Growth: Secure a steady stream of resources to expand your programs and deepen your impact.
A Vibrant Community of Supporters: Cultivate a network of donors who are not just contributors but true believers in your cause.
Empowerment to Do More: Free up your time from constant fundraising to focus on what matters most—your mission.
Closed for Enrollment
Add your email address to the list, and we'll notify you of the next enrollment round.