Do you want to establish purposeful and actionable goals to propel your organization forward without spending thousands to hire a consultant?

In this comprehensive 8-week course, we’ll guide you through our strategic planning process tailored for small nonprofits. Say goodbye to the hefty consultant fees and hello to a DIY approach that empowers you to guide your organization intentionally toward its goals without draining your time and resources.

Course Modules

This 8-week course is crafted for small nonprofit leaders looking for a budget-friendly roadmap to an impactful strategic plan. Secure your spot now and elevate your organization's impact.

  • MODULE 1: INTRO TO STRATEGIC PLANNING | Overview of the process, best-practices, and common mistakes to avoid.

  • MODULE 2: MISSION & VISION | Clarifying and reaffirming the organization's purpose (mission statement) and the desired future state (vision statement) it aims to achieve.

  • MODULE 3: SWOT ANALYSIS | SConduct a comprehensive analysis of the organization's internal strengths and weaknesses and external opportunities and threats in the operating environment.

  • MODULE 4: GOAL-SETTING | Establish specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals aligned with the mission and vision.

  • MODULE 5: STRATEGIES & ACTION PLANS | Develop strategies and an action plan to achieve goals with a clear timeline.

  • MODULE 6: COMMUNICATION | Engage stakeholders, including board members, staff, volunteers, donors, and the community, to ensure alignment and support for the strategic plan.

  • MODULE 7: IMPLEMENTATION | Put the strategic plan into action and assign responsibilities to individuals or teams for various tasks and initiatives.

  • MODULE 8: MONITORING & EVALUATION | Learn how to measure progress toward achieving the goals and make necessary adjustments to the plan.


Sheena Sullivan

Sheena Sullivan is a nonprofit executive director, a Ph.D. Candidate in Organizational Development and Leadership, and the founder of New Era Nonprofits. With 15+ years of experience, she has a track record of success in previous roles, including Executive Director at Coal Creek Meals on Wheels and Co-Founder & Executive Director of the Southwest Suburban Immigrant Project. Sheena brings a wealth of experience in leading cross-functional teams, increasing revenue, and developing community outreach strategies. She specializes in nonprofit leadership, organizational development, and strategic innovation. Throughout her career, Sheena has proven her ability to support leaders and organizations in achieving transformational growth. Sheena holds a Master’s in Social Work specializing in Leadership and Development in Social Services and a Post-Master’s Certificate in Nonprofit Management and Philanthropy, both from Loyola University Chicago.

Course will launch in March 2024.

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